Fener Kalamış Cad. Belvü Apt. No: 75
K: 1 D:2 Kadıköy / İstanbul / Türkiye
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Due to rational use of drugs, to select the most appropriate drug for individuals characteristics between the ones, which are shown to be effective, is essential. In addition to the individual characteristics, the effects of selected drug's on fetus must be taken into account in a possible pregnancy. On the other hand, treatment interventions in women with mood disorders in order to prevent teratogenicity, enhance the risk of relapse, especially relapses occurring after childbirth should be taken into account. Including valproic acid in particular, the use of lithium and carbamazepine is not recommended during pregnancy. Lamotrigine, as one of the new antiepilepticis, and the new-generation antipsychotics featuring also as mood stabilizers seem to be relatively safe. The high drug doses and multiple drug use increases the risk of teratogenicity. Besides, the abrupt cessation of drugs because of pregnancy leads to a significant increase in the risk of relapse. The main purpose in the treatment of mood disorders in pregnancy is to prevent the relapse of disease as taking the individual characteristics of the patient into account. In this article, it is intended to provide the practical information in pregnancy planning in women with mood disorders as well as the one in unplanned pregnancies within the rational drug use framework.

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